Fachtagung Comimpact 2021
Fachtagung Comimpact 2021

11 juin 2021

Webinaire de la WFA: Preparing for digital media’s privacy-first future

Les nouvelles dispositions relatives à la protection des données et leurs effets sur la mesurabilité des groupes cibles en ligne sont au cœur de ce webinaire.

The changing nature of data privacy is fundamentally redefining the way in which online audiences are measured and targeted by advertisers. Join this first in a series of webinars as we hear from thought leaders from all sides of the industry, on the changes that are coming and the preparation that advertisers need to be doing now and in the near future. First in our series of thought leaders will be Katie Eyton, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer at Omnicom Media Group and James Aylett, Managing Director Technology at Annalect, who will introduce the agency lens. Katie and James will concentrate on headline privacy issues affecting advertisers, such as the demise of the third-party cookie and Apple’s new App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework. There are many issues (known and unknown) associated with these changes and Katie and James will provide a summary of how advertisers can prepare.


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